
Acne and Acne Scar Treatment: Home Remedies on How to Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Following a proper and nutritious diet, avoiding alcoholic beverages, and avoiding cigarettes can really help in getting rid of acnes. There are many common home remedies for acne scars used from ancient time.

These remedies are being transferred from grandmothers to their grandchildren, generation to generation. Acne Scars are nothing but ugly spots left on face due to acne, pimples, pustules, pox etc. These are considered as the great enemy of beautiful and clear skin.

Acne is caused due to the irregular secretion of oil from sebaceous gland. This blocks the pores on the skin and further the oil mixes with dust particles, dirt and bacteria. As a conclusion, acne arises and leaves scars behind after they have been treated. Getting rid of acne is a big deal for those who are very conscious for their appearance.

Generally, the problem of acne scars is faced by young and teenager boys and girls. The problem occurs due to hormonal changes, polluted environment and improper care of the skin. Sometimes puberty in girls and boys is assisted by the occurrence of pimples and acne.

Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally

There are different ways in how to get rid of acne scars.  But the most important one is lifestyle modification. Sedentary lifestyle is one of the modifiable factor for the development of acne.

Removal of acne is a challenge, but removal of acne scars is greater deal. One should try to avoid the occurrence of acne prior. Unintentionally aroused acne should be tried to be removed without leaving the scar behind. This is a much tough task. Some common and easily applicable home remedies for acne scars are as follows:

1. Rubbing some ice-cubes over the affected area of the skin can work to lessen inflammation of the skin. This should be repeated three to four times in a whole day.

2. Application of lemon juice regularly over the acne scars is a very good idea to avoid acne scars. A pinch of turmeric is added in lemon juice and applied over the skin. Wash with lukewarm water after 15-20 minutes. This home remedy will also be helpful to lighten the skin tone.

3. Regular application of vinegar on the acne scar will be useful to treat the problem.

4. Make a paste of sandalwood, rose water and fuller's earth and cover the whole skin with this paste until it gets dry. Wash with warm water and apply some moisturizer on face. This trick will work a lot to get a pimple free, scar free, clear skin.

5. Regular massage of olive oil on the affected skin helps to reduce acne scars.

Occurrence of acne is a very common problem which is usually faced by every person. Home remedies for acne scars are the natural way to treat pimples but sometimes the problem gets severe and requires proper medication. This condition should be get checked up by dermatologist.

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