
How to Get Rid of Age Spots and Sun Spots Fast: Best Methods to Remove Age Spots Within a Week

How to Remove Age Spots and Sun Spots in Just a Week

Age spots and sun spots are typically a reaction to sun damage on your skin. If you're unhappy with the appearance of age spots or sun spots on your face and hands, there are several effective home remedies and other treatment options available to fade or remove them within a very short period, like about a week.

Age spots also called liver spots, sun spots, or brown spots. They are a harmless but often distressing condition that usually develops in adults older than age 40. However, due to increased pollution and the raise in temperature, these brown spots can affect younger people as well.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sun Spots

Simple home remedies can be used to remove liver spots or age spots naturally. Home remedy treatments for lightening age spots and sun spots gives fast, amazing results.

1. Grape seed extract is a sure and quick way to remove freckles and age spots from your skin. Grape seed extract is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from harmful UV radiation. The treatment using grape seed extract aids in lightening the effects of age spots naturally.

2. Lime juice is one of the best natural remedies to fade sun spots quickly. Mix lemon juice with a bit of sugar or salt and rub the mixture to your spots twice daily. The citric acid within the lime juice helps to lighten up the spots fast.

3. Another high quality natural ingredient is the Active Manuka Honey that gives faster results for age spots. Due to the bleaching action of honey it can reduce the appearance of sun damage, discoloration, and age spots.

4. Vitamin E oil is another effective ingredient that gives faster results for sun spots. The antioxidant powers of vitamin E oil will remove or lighten your liver spots fast. Using creams containing natural vitamin E help to protect your skin against the development of brown spots

5.An effective remedy for fading brown spots is to use skin creams with extrapone nutgrass root. It is an essential ingredient if you want to lighten age spots and freckles quickly. Extrapone nutgrass has been scientifically tested and proven to inhibit melanin, which is the main cause of brown spots.

6.Another quick remedy to fade age spots is to blend honey and yogurt together to create a paste and apply it on the sun spots. Both honey and yogurt contain natural bleaching properties that give effective results within a period of week.

Remove Age Spots with Laser Treatment

Apart from the above given natural remedies for age spots and sun spots, certain remedies such as use of laser treatment give effective results in just a week. Laser treatment is the best way to fade brown spots on the face and hands .Treatments with a laser typically require several sessions. After the laser treatment, age spots fade quickly.

Microdermabrasion for Age and Sun Spots

If you are looking for an effective way to get rid of sun spots on your skin's surface, then you may want to consider going for microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is an effective, non-surgical treatment to fade sun spots by exfoliating the top layers of the skin. Microdermabrasion will also improve the overall skin tone.

Regardless of what treatment measures you use to remove sun spots, it is recommended to prevent the onset of these spots by applying a perfect sun screen lotion whenever you go out in sun. It will help you avoid additional pigmentation.

Apart from all the above treatment options to fade sun spots, it is essential to take care of the skin at the earlier stage to remove age spots and prevent them from getting worse.

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