
Causes of Forehead Acne - How to Get Rid of Acne Pimples on Forehead

Cause of Forehead Acne

Acne on the forehead is easy to see and hard to cover up. Have you ever wondered as to why some of us get acne on the forehead? Find here a guide about forehead acne causes and remedies and treatments for acne bumps and pimples on your forehead.

The presence of forehead acne is largely dependent on your skin type and is caused by a range of factors including hormonal imbalances and allergic reactions to weather conditions, and chemicals in skin care products.

Oily skin is generally prone to acne, as excessive oil produced by the skin clogs pores and then reacts with the sebaceous glands, resulting in acne. In addition, some people are prone to frequent hormonal disturbances and imbalances that result in the formation of acne. Forehead acne may also form as a result of extreme weather conditions.

People who are prone to skin allergies are more likely to develop acne as a result of daily dust and heat exposure. Certain chemicals in skin care products may also result in the formation of pimples on forehead and so it is crucial to find skin care products that suit your needs. Read the labels of your cosmetics carefully and ensure that you are not allergic to any of your skin care products. Use a mild soap to wash your face and avoid those that have a strong perfume.

Since you complain of forehead acne, it may be advisable to keep the area as clean as possible and free from potential irritants. The excessive accumulation of oil on your forehead may cause the formation of acne.

Hair styles that cause a lot of hair to fall on the face and forehead may lead to the blockage of pores in the area. This could potentially lead to the formation of forehead acne and skin infection. You should therefore ensure that you keep your hair off your forehead at all times. This will keep oil and sweat from accumulating on your forehead.

Remedies to Get Rid of Acne on Forehead

Cleanse your forehead two or three times a week with an exfoliator containing salicylic acid. Dandruff in hair can trigger acne in forehead. Using a good anti-dandruff shampoo also help you get rid of pimples on the forehead. In addition, you can try a few natural remedies to get rid of acne bumps on forehead at home.

1. A quick way to get rid of forehead pimples is the use of lemon juice. Make a mixture of lime juice and cinnamon powder and apply it on your pimples on forehead. You can also mix groundnut oil with lime juice and apply it on your forehead to help reduce acne.

2. Garlic is an effective remedy for forehead acne bumps at home. Apply a few cloves of crushed garlic on your forehead to get rid of acne bumps on forehead fast.

3. Manuka honey and tea tree oil also serve as excellent home remedies to get rid of forehead pimples overnight. Apply either of these natural cures after washing the face to reduce acne on forehead.

4. Cucumber works as a great anti-inflammatory, reducing the swelling and redness of pimples on forehead. Make a paste of cucumber and apply this on your forehead to help cure forehead acne.

5. Make a mixture using one tablespoon each of yogurt, oatmeal and sour cream. Add a few drops of lemon juice to this mixture and apply it on your forehead to get rid of forehead pimples.

6. Take dried orange peels, grind it into fine powder. Add water to the orange peel powder to make a fine paste. First wash your face with warm water and then apply the paste on areas with pimples and leave it for about 30 minutes. This will make your acne bumps on forehead vanish fast.

7. Apply a face mask made of sandalwood powder and water every night and wash it off in the morning with lukewarm water. This will help reduce pimples on forehead and prevent scarring.

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