
How to Get Rid of Back Acne: Best Natural Ways to Cure Pimples on Back

How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Acne is normally considered a condition that occurs only on the face but the fact is that acne can occur on any part of the body where there are an excess of sebaceous glands stimulated by adult hormones. Hormones are a major contributing factor to the occurrence of pimples and this can easily be deduced by the fact that puberty is usually synonymous with acne and pimples.

The other areas of the body where pimples can occur are the chest and back. Typically, this kind of an odd distribution of acne usually only occurs in men. The solution on how to get rid of back acne requires some skin care, exfoliation and the constant disinfection to ensure that the back acne problem does not arise again.

Causes of Back Acne

Acne is a problem that occurs when the hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands of the skin to produce an abnormally high amount of sebum. While this in itself is not a problem, the problem occurs when the ducts that secrete sebum onto the surface of the skin are blocked. This can happen because of dead skin debris, bacteria, and dirt. The sebum then pools and forms a perfect infectious medium for the bacteria. Sensing the presence of an infection, the body sends its white blood cells to the area in an inflammatory process. The pimple eventually rises to the surface where the resulting exudates bursts open and drains away. Sometimes, scarring can occur in a very severe case of acne when the resulting inflammation causes the destruction of tissue. Since the root cause of acne lies in the formation of a plug, it can therefore be ascertained that keep the skin clean is the best way to prevent and relieve you of acne on back.

Home Remedies to Cure Pimples on Back

Antibiotic for Back Acne
The first step in dealing with a pimple on your back is to start taking an antibiotic. A natural herbal remedy in the form of garlic will do for this purpose. Increase your garlic intake to a whole garlic for the next three days for curing back pimples.

Cleaning for Back Acne
Cleaning your back once a day and no more than twice a day is plenty to help you get rid of bacne. Additionally, wash your back with salicylic acid and stand under a hot shower while aiming the jet at the pimple to bring it to a head. This procedure will be quite successful and you might not even have to end up squeezing the back acne but you have to give it time to go away on its own as much as possible and not squeeze it off. Remember the skin care regime mentioned above as a preventative step.

Oats Remedy for Removing Acne on Back
Oats works wonderfully on back acne, just take some oats and mix with warm water and scrub it on back it really helps within a week. If your acne on back is really bad and there are too many breakouts, repeat this process twice a day.

Cure Pimples on Back using Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can absorb excess oil from our skin as well as kill bacteria that often result in acne. Apply the apple cider vinegar directly to your back acne using a cotton ball, pad or spray bottle. You can then rinse your back with water. Repeat this back acne remedy 3 times per day.

Baking Soda Remedy to Get Rid of Back Acne
Baking soda can be used to make safe, inexpensive treatments for acne on back. It works as a gentle exfoliant for your skin. Thus, it unplugs the pores and removes dead skin. It helps to neutralize your skin pH level and has mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. All these characteristics make it an excellent home remedy for healing back acne.

Toothpaste Treatment for Acne on Back
Toothpaste is an extraordinary treatment to get rid of back acne problem. Apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the affected areas and leave it on for about 30 minutes or until dry. Toothpaste works to dry out pimples caused by over-productive oil glands, which is often the case when pimples form on the back, forehead and chest.

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